2008年9月15日 星期一

關鍵字廣告行銷( PPC)


2008年9月14日 星期日

Google 開始懲罰出售付費連接的網站

Google 並不是虛張聲勢:網路上不乏受懲罰的例子。基本上,懲罰有以下三類:1. 降低該站的 Pagerank 值:Danny Sullivan 有舉例出史丹佛大學的學生報紙網站,說她從原本的 PR 9 降到 PR 7 另外,John Chow 的網站也從原本的 PR 6 降到現在的 PR 5。讀者自己在網路上時,也有可能發現某些網站的 PR 降低了。你現在知道,這不是一個錯覺,而是 Google 對該站做出了懲罰。2. 降低該站的排名。舉例來說David Airey 就發現他的網站排名突然降低很多。經過了一番折騰後,他終於成功挽回了他的排名。他一開始排名降低的原因有好幾個,其中之一就是跟付費連接有關。3. 將該站完全踢出搜尋引擎的索引之外。舉例來說,Text Link Ads 的網站現在就完全不存在於 Google 的索引之中。

BusinessWeek 建議企業導入 SEO

If you engage an SEO firm, consider the cost and the return on investment, remembering that moving up in the search rankings is a gradual process that may take several months. Chances are, if your corporate competitors control the top 10 search engine results spots, it will be costly and perhaps even impossible to dethrone them.The good news is that search engine rankings are free, and online searching is the third-most-frequent activity for people who are online: Only checking e-mail and Web surfing rank higher, McPherson says. "Search engines not only help users find you, they play virtual tour guide by taking users directly to the page with the information they're seeking."Another plus that McPherson points out: Studies show consumers trust user-generated search engine rankings more than paid advertisement rankings by a wide margin, as much as 70%. And optimizing your site gives you a huge competitive advantage. "Even now, only 25% of the Fortune 100 businesses have completely optimized their sites in this way," McPherson says. "If you act now, you'll have an edge over competitors who haven't optimized their sites."